September 6, 2023

Confident LIMS x Agrify Lab Data Integration

Confident LIMS is thrilled to announce our latest integration partner, Agrify™, a developer of premium grow solutions for the indoor agriculture marketplace, to bring you an integration that will seamlessly merge Confident LIMS lab data with Agrify Insights™.

Written by

Jacqueline DeMarco

Confident LIMS is thrilled to announce our latest integration partner, Agrify™, a developer of premium grow solutions for the indoor agriculture marketplace, to bring you an integration that will seamlessly merge Confident LIMS lab data with Agrify Insights™.

This integration will allow cannabis cultivators to augment and improve their processes and to optimize the chemical composition of plants while cultivating at scale. Now, Confident LIMS clients can see for themselves how cultivation inputs correlate with the final chemotypic expression of their crops in a streamlined and automated way.

It’s our hope that these powerful data insights will provide operators with a deeper understanding of how indoor growing conditions impact the cannabis plant’s terpene and cannabinoid profiles. Another goal of this seamless and automated data integration is to eliminate tedious manual entry and potential for human error.

The chemical ratio of a cannabis plant is a function of its genetics and its growing environment, so understanding how different climates affect its chemical profile is crucial to optimizing output. Our integration with Agrify™ empowers cannabis growers to produce plants with the desired chemical profiles, furthering our shared mission to simplify cannabis wholesale testing and trade to help bring trust and transparency to the cannabis industry.

Request your Confident LIMS integrations here!

Learn more about our latest integration with Agrify™ here!

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