September 6, 2023

Trym and Confident LIMS Help Growers with New Data Integration

A new integration between Confident Lims and Trym will help growers improve their data integration.

Written by

Jacqueline DeMarco

Automatically link Confident LIMS reports with harvests in Trym to drive yield improvements.

San Francisco, 2/6/23: Confident LIMS, the leading laboratory information management system (LIMS) in the cannabis industry, and cultivation software Trym, the technology platform powering cannabis cultivation, announced a new integration to automatically link lab test results from Confident LIMS with harvests in Trym allowing cultivators to fully understand how the strategies they implement in the garden directly translate to product quality.

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“We’re thrilled to partner with our friends at Trym to empower our mutual cultivator clients to unlock the power of their lab data,” said Steve Albarran, CEO of Confident LIMS. “For the first time, Trym + Confident LIMS users are empowered to better optimize their harvest quality by marrying the cannabinoid and terpene potencies of each batch in Confident with Trym’s industry leading crop management and analytics platform.”

“Cultivators need to think about more than just “pounds per light”, they also need to deliver the taste and potency to the market that their customers expect.” said Matt Mayberry, CEO of Trym. “Our partnership with Confident LIMS empowers cultivators with the insights they need to steer their crops to their desired outcome.”  

The benefits of this new integration include:

  • COA data paired with environmental conditions and harvest yields in Trym Analytics.
  • Simplify Metrc reporting.
  • Scan plant tags from your mobile device and report your harvest to Metrc faster than ever with Trym’s Touchless Harvesting.
  • Flexible sensor integrations to enable crop steering.

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About Confident LIMS: Confident exists to delight your teammates and your clients. We want Confident to be the LIMS you actually want to use.

Confident LIMS combines an intuitive and beautiful interface with a powerful network of labs and testing clients, allowing labs to attract and retain more clients, accelerate workflows, and seamlessly integrate systems. Our state-of-the-art platform is designed for modern usability – making it easy for your team to deliver exceptional service that keeps clients coming back. Our network connects you to thousands of potential clients, making it simple for them to order tests from your lab. Our friendly, knowledgeable, and responsive teammates empower labs to onboard and adapt twice as fast as other LIMS providers. 

In other words, we make the hard stuff easy so your lab can thrive. That’s why hundreds of labs and thousands of their clients rely on Confident LIMS to test millions of samples around the world.

About Trym: Founded in Novato, California in 2018, Trym software is custom-built for commercial cannabis growers. Trym boosts production efficiency, simplifies compliance, and turns insights into strategic decisions. Trym’s comprehensive platform helps growers manage daily operations to increase profitability and scale faster. The company currently operates in 18 U.S. states and works with many of the largest cultivators and multi-state operators in the country.

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